Originally Posted by org_Rogue_Hunter
Until mail-in voting and electronic problems (Dominion) get sorted out...each state says what goes, the best we can do is become election judges and monitor to process....and that may mean 24/7 during the election/counting. We've/you have to get active in your state. Email, write letters...put your state representatives' feet into the fire...really, doesn't matter whether you're elected rep. is D or R, harass the piss out of them. Organize, protest, volunteer, email, write letters...all happens at the state level.

So if observers are told to leave so the Dem operatives can "adjust" th vote in the wee hours, will the observers be arrested for trespass (and yes, they should remain in the ounting places 24/7 for weeks if necessary)

Any wagers?

Last edited by las; 05/17/22.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.