Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by 79S
My buddy has an ocean boat 140 gallon tank. Its cheaper for him to go out on a halibut charter than it is to fuel that boat up. He said right now gas prices 4.89 $700 plus that not counting fueling up his truck a diesel. I'm going to have to use my wife economizer to go fishing down in Kenai this year it gets about 30mpg. I want to see my friends face (voted for Biden)when he has to gas up in Glennallen that place is notorious for having these highest gas prices on the road system.
You have a "friend" that voted for Honk for Joey???
Come on man...
People like him are the problem.
Just saying....


Hey outside of politics he's a good guy. I remind him all the time of his mistake, at first, he used to counter with something smart about DJT. But now days he doesn't say anything. He knows he ph ucked up. I tell him you are just an Anchorage democrat; he goes I'm no democrat LOL... They love camping I told him only camping you will be doing is in your back yard once gas prices hit 6 bucks a gallon.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.