I work in an old, old fashioned (union, it doesn't matter here) factory.

We have a schedule where we accrue vacation and sick days.
There really isn't any difference except sick days can be lost if you
quit or don't use them. And vacation can be denied, a sick day can't.

But I hear everyone around me talk about PTO anymore.
It seems nobody gets old fashioned vacation.
And it's not given out at the beginning of the year, or on your hire date.
It's dribbled out.

What's the deal.

Since this seems to be from corporate America, in non union places,
one can logically assume it's corporate driven. And benefits the

But is it at a cost to employees?

The schedules vary on how it's accrued, I suppose,, but why this
huge shift. Current HR Buzzword BS? Or what.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!