Shipping is a hazardous undertaking these days. Proper packaging helps keep the damage to a minimum, but that’s a crapshoot too. I had a case of soup with three out of six cans badly dented (got my money back), a bag of coffee beans that busted open, a Henry Single shot that got futzed up, though not visibly, a rototiller that apparently fell off a cliff, pesticides leaked all over the package etc etc etc. Best thing to do is complain to the shipper if the package was poorly prepared, and also if the express company obviously mishandled it. UPS, Fedex, and the USPS don’t give a rat’s ass.

This stuff is why I won’t sell any more guns online, and only buy from sellers I trust to take care of issues.

Thank goodness the $26 jar of Medlar jelly I ordered from England was packaged properly! That stuff is good.

What fresh Hell is this?