Did someone say Gina Gershon?

We have one more week of squirrel season here but I'm going to sit it out. I went two days and the heat, humidity and especially the gnats and deer flies were unrelenting. They even bite thru Deep Woods Off. Got in the woods when the gnats had the morning shift and stayed until almost noon by which time the yellow deer fly shift had started, with an occassional bot fly and hornet making its presence known. And all the big trees with bark have big black ants on them so got those crawling on me, too. They don't bite but its no fun feeling them on the neck. Only got one tick. I did see one new fawn with spots, but never saw mama. Squirrel activity was overwith by noon and it was too hot to keep carrying around dead squirrels so I didn't stay past noon either day. Now my spring seasons are over.