Originally Posted by kennymauser
Neat stuff, I after seeing it, I have a Hawthorne 16 ga like the one you have the flyer for. My Dad bought it for my brother and I in the early 60's. Man does that thing kick!
Thanks for the memories!

Want to hear something painful and gut-wrenching? After my asking her about it, my dear aunt explained to me after my delicately inquiring that after she was widowed, she called the local constabulary and had them come 'dispose' of an entire room full of firearms. When I asked her how many, she said, 'I don't know, maybe more than 100...'. She also explained that she'd given the next door hick neighbor her late husband's '52 Chevy Bel Air with a four speed manual. Said it was 'too powerful and made too much noise' for her to want to keep and drive it, opting for one of her beloved aircraft carrier sized Buicks instead...