Originally Posted by David_Walter
So, I’ll have to sue in WA to get our mag ban lifted? Or will the decision of the 9th cover WA as well?

Most states would repeal the law on their own but if they try to ignore the ruling then someone will file suit in Fed District court and probably receive a summary judgement.

It will all depend on how hard the lefties want to double down on tyranny.

If the 9th does what SCOTUS told them to do with the Cali mag ban then all the mag bans in the 9th circuit are circling the drain.

If the 9th does what SCOTUS told them to do with the Hawaii open carry ban then all states in the 9th will have open carry in a short time.

The 9th is also holding the Cali AWB and ammo ban until SCOTUS ruled on NYSRP.

It will be a direct FU to SCOTUS if the 9th finds any of these restrictions constitutional and sending all these 2nd A cases back to the appeals courts is a message from SCOTUS.

Last edited by JohnBurns; 07/03/22.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.