Deer coming onto your property, fenced or not, are not fair game for your dog. Deer usually are highly teritorial and only travel out of samll native area when pushed or during the rut.

Dogs tht kill deer are a problem -- even in the south where dog drives are under serious legal pressure due to the outlaw behavior of many of those that run them.

I saw a a pair of labs -- pure breds -- kill a fawn while I was trout fishing and only had a fly rod on hand. I leashed and returned the dogs -- they had tags -- to the owner about 3 miles away. The sorry [bleep] allows his dogs to run free and complaimed because they get hit by cars when chasing deer!

Dogs runing deer are fair game in the woods IMO. Even though I have 3 dogs of my own right now and love em a lot. Farm dogs and suburban pets that pack up to run deer for the fun of it and come home for kibble in the morning are no better than yotes.

Like almost every other canine misbehavior, the owners are at fault but the dogs pay.
