This thread brought to mind two incidents from over the years that I found amusing, and testifying to the benefits of discretion and common sense in transporting game.

'67 or '68, Several of us underage USFS seasonals were were pretty well tanked at 2 a.m. in St. Maries when a station wagon came rolling by. A half-block later the city cops had it pulled over. July probably isn't a good time to go through town with a big bull elk strapped on top.....

Rolling north out of Fairbanks one time, at Fox we saw a brand new fancy truck with a couple GI looking guys tending it, hood up, steam making a huge billow above.

That situation might have had something to do with a stupendous moose rack strapped across the front of the grill (there was room in the PU bed).

Good luck on your hunts, guys- just 19 days to my season's first up here.

Last year we traveled from north of Fairbanks to Sterling- some 600 miles with large and medium caribou antlers strapped to the back ATV racks which were up on the trailer towed behind the pickup camper. It was the best option of the limited room, but did garner some looks and comments, none of them negative.

That may not be the case down there in funny country. smile

Last edited by las; 07/21/22.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.