Originally Posted by RockyRaab
In places where it is legal, they are already seeing marijuana getting stronger and stronger, as people get desensitized and need ever stronger hits. Some of it is now so concentrated that if a first-timer tried it, he could die. Hospitals are reporting a sharp rise in MJ overdoses. People who now smoke it every day have brain damage. Also, just as predicted, highway accidents and death rates are soaring in those states.

That whole "it's harmless and non-addicting" line is crap.

I agree and the same applies to alcohol. Yet many people can and do handle alcohol just fine, many on a daily basis. So where do you draw the line as far as what's illegal? I've met a few people who can't drink alcohol, so they partake in the devil's weed. Is it your call to make their choice illegal?

As far as people dying, you read about alcohol poisoning cases all the time. Frat boy initiation gone wrong, skid row bum found in the gutter and so forth.

I've never read about a case of marijuana poisoning, although I'm sure it happens.

A wise man is frequently humbled.