Mom passed away in 1988 @ 58 years from breast cancer. I wasn’t as close to her as I should have been. She left when I was quite young and don’t think I ever totally got over it. Dad passed in 2010 @ 85, we were very close and though I don’t think of him every day it is quite often. I got my first graft to stick this spring using blueberry wood to native huckleberry. I know he was smiling from above and shaking his head at the same time watching me struggle with what he taught me. He was the tightest man I ever knew. Would cut the ignition and coast in neutral to save gas. Save aluminum foil from baked potatoes, straighten nails and reuse them, gather clover seed heads from the side of the road by hand and spread over his pasture. I miss fishing and hunting with him a lot.

"You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas" - Davy Crockett