I graduated from a small school and maybe 20 of the class is still alive, I doubt it though.

The last high school reunion I went to was the 10 year one, as I was working close by at the time. Missed the 20, 30, 40 & 50 year ones, and you know what no one has called me. There is plans for a 55 year reunion and I am not sure I will make the time to take it in, I am thinking I have a hunting trip planned with some friends to Africa while it is on going.

The college 50 Year reunion, I received a letter last week to see if I was attending. I probable will miss that one also as we have plans for that week. The thing is all the friends that I used to run with in college have passed on, not a single one still alive. The thing is the college is having an all school reunion this year, and even if you went, you would have a slim chance of running into some of the old class mates while you attended. They only have a 2 1/2 to 3 hours all school social hour get together at the same time in the same building (field house).

Maybe, if the college were to have 55 year reunions, I may schedule to take that one in as it would coincide with a second 50 year class reunion for advanced degrees graduates and there were only about 150 of us that year, and some of those fellows would be Nice to touch base with.

I have found out you usually stay in touch with friends for life and friendship works both ways. You both call each other from time to time and it is like you never missed a beat while talking.

"Sorry don't get it done, Dude"
John Wayne 1959