I'm glad it worked out for you. I've not had a bad experience on here yet. And, you are landing large arrows on small hairs when you say, "I think though that maybe these quick "I'll take it" purchases might need a bit more conversation, patience and dialog on both sides." Ain't enough of that in the world, much less here in this virtual vacuum of gun nuts.

Apart from that praise - Covid is the new 'dog ate my homework'. It progressed so rapidly as a go to excuse that it flew by the excuse category and landed in the social comedy category. Doesn't mean people aren't adversely affected by it, but its just to easy to access by those whose moral compass contains even the slightest amount of gray. I own a small business, and we've been impacted by Covid in various ways at various times, and we've communicated those issues with specificity...to our clients. Every time. No gray. No canned monikers that everyone else uses. They aren't authentic.