Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Frogsnacks. I am exhausted today.

Didn't do a hell of a lot...got the cows moved, worked on camper, moved a tractor, did chores...ect.

This fugging eyeball......I have a deal where the lashes on my right eye grow the wrong way into my eye.

They either lay on the eye or they poke right into it.

The wife yanks em out with a tweezer when she is here or we are not so busy. We were busy and she is off doing stuff.

Pitiful day. Wore me out. You guys with chronic pain must be wore out all the time.

Here's a go.

I had a bad case of that after I wrecked on a 4 wheeler and messed up my face. I had plastic surgery on my eye socket, but my eyelid healed wrong. I had to go back and get it straightened out with another surgery. It wasn't too bad, and it sure beat living with those things poking me in the eye.

Last edited by reivertom; 08/17/22.