Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Frogsnacks. I am exhausted today.

Didn't do a hell of a lot...got the cows moved, worked on camper, moved a tractor, did chores...ect.

This fugging eyeball......I have a deal where the lashes on my right eye grow the wrong way into my eye.

They either lay on the eye or they poke right into it.

The wife yanks em out with a tweezer when she is here or we are not so busy. We were busy and she is off doing stuff.

Pitiful day. Wore me out. You guys with chronic pain must be wore out all the time.

Here's a go.

Mr Conrad.

You are so right about that second to last sentence.

I came to the realization one day about 10 years ago.

There will be no more pain free days.

Went to the Doc on Monday. Something going on in my foot, not plantar faciatiis. It's on top of the instep and sometimes goes up to the end of my shin. X-rays showed nothing in that area, but " significant moderate to severe arthritis at the base of the large toe and in the area of the smaller toes"..

Told the doc I knew about that already, what's causing the other pain though. Told him I'm waiting a couple more weeks for it resolve, then we're going to talk MRI or some imaging that can check tendons and ligaments in the area. Had to tell him, No I don't remember an injury occurring, if one happened I probably just went on working as is normal. He thinks it will be hard to justify the imaging without an injury date etc. BS.

We're not even going to get into the back and other arthritic areas. Just tha way it is now.

Anyhow, I hope the eye deal gets fixed soon. Chronic pain will wear a fella out.

The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?