Originally Posted by shaman
Currently Cincinnati has a higher per-capita homicide rate than Chicago due to a couple of warzone neighborhoods.

I have 2 projects going with houses right now, one in Cincinnati and one in Philadelphia.

The Cincy project is on the edge of gentrification spilling out around the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. Lots of darkies but they generally just wander around drunk or high and don't make huge pains of themselves. They steal of course, but that is pretty easy to thwart. Still quite a few public dole apartments around but I am thinking they'll be cleared out by the time I sell these things.

The Philly neighborhood is close to Kensington and is a different experience. Highly diverse in that there is a good mix of different mud races and white trash. The drug situation is a full on dumpster fire. Open use all over, open prostitution, trash all over the place, cops generally won't even respond to calls there. Violence all day every day.
'Thinking I might be a bit ahead of the wave on this one but we will see.