Shooting day in and day out,will learn a guy something. Especially when one's vocation,entails said wares being in tow. Nice to shoot before,during and after work,with reloading equipment by the side. Hint.

Schit happens and that's part of the fun. When said events repeat,they become trends. Add some like minded individuals along the way and some good R&D happens by literal default. I've never met anyone who likes their schit to puke,so there's more than a few MAINSTAYS,established along the way. Few could even begin to grasp the volume or the rigors associated and I'm pretty certain I was just having fun and still am. That to the chagrin of Crying Karen Melting Snowflakes the World over. Hint.

I REALLY enjoy,"heart endorsements" by folks who haven't whistled halfa fhuqking box of ammo through said wares and are never gonna complete same. MUCH of Mechnical Integrity is easy to see,with even a casual glance. Then are some wares which make senses,but the Metallurgy is compromised,which is something that must be experienced and can't be discerned visually. My favorite is the High Pitched Whining High Heel Gang,crying "foul!" as their Do Nothing Dumbfhuqktitude is slapped upside their pointy heads. Key is to keep lotsa slack rope available and welcome all to partake,but for "some" reason,it just don't ever go the way they "think". Hint. Fhuqking LAUGHING!

I've flogged on more than a few Montuckies and have shot more than a few barrels outta same,mainly because I LOVE 'em. They are dirty duty ruggedly reliable platforms,but due their very nature,are oft saddled with mounting systems and glass that CAN'T fhuqking work. The Paper Hat Brigade might get that halfa box of ammo out of same,over the course of years and "think" they've Lightning in a bottle,but that ain't how the chips fall. If only for starters. Pardon decades of that,on every outing. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!............

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."