Originally Posted by HarleyHutch
Be sure to review transporting firearms in/through NYS. Our illustrious Governor by default after Coumo was removed changed the rules under a state of emergency although there wasn't one, were in response to the Supreme Court striking down the pistol permit issues within the state/NYC. Long story short, she took more liberty to restrict gun ownership where one can carry, places of business have to post if they allow concealed carry, background checks for ammo, age to own a semi auto rifle and a permit system for semi auto rifles without the systems being in effect.
The one to effect most people resident or non resident is transporting firearms in vehicles. Now they have or be locked in a case. Please read up on the requirements on your own prior to traveling through.

They only have to be locked up if left unattended in your vehicle. If you are in the vehicle, they don't have to be locked up. That information is posted on both the DEC web site and the NY State police web site.