I’ve gone back and forth for a few years now, this last hitch has been better than the first few goes.

I still carry and compete with irons but the dots are gaining. I give up very little yet gain a lot with a dot.

Reliability, I have seen irons fail more than once in a match, saw a Dawson FO front break right off at the dovetail. I’ve seen plenty of cheap dots fail but the two proven dots I trust are the RMR and the HS 507C. Seen lots of these and only read of the older RMR’s with problems. I don’t trust either’s auto mode. Batteries are cheap. I like the bigger window on the 507C.

Carry ability, I cut a notch out in my kydex IWB for the dot. It rides at my belt line. I don’t notice it.

Shooting ability, I’m still quicker to the shot with irons but it’s not by much and after todays match with an iron sighted 1911, I noticed I was taking more time on my first shots cause distances weren’t the usually quoted 7 yards and under… I have to have either fiber optic front or one with illuminecent paint to draw my attention and I embrace the blur.

What I gain is better accuracy, up close and at distances I used to not consider “pistol” distances. I can focus on the target and see the entire area in focus for my next targets in real time, better situational awareness. I can call my miss’s by knowing where the dot was when the shot broke.

Yes I still use irons and I will continue to use dots. I don’t care what others use but overall a good shot with irons will be a better shot with a dot. But only if you dedicate the time to train like you did with irons. If you won’t train then stick with what you know or at least think you know.