Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by Slavek
That would be counterproductive. There is no point in destroying civilian infrastructure and becoming even bigger losers in battle of public opinion.

That’s a great answer and I bet it took all the brain power that you could muster to come up with that gem….The Russian military is concerned with their public image. 😂

If anything can be said about Russia and their military it’s that the Russians are and always have been extremely careful with human lives and not causing unnecessary damage during their military sieges, especially collateral damage. 😂😂.

Stalingrad was of sentimental importance if for no other reason it was named for the brutal dictator Stalin (Biden’s man crush and the one he tries to emulate) so it stands to reason that the Russians would be reticent to destroy their own homes, subjects (aka “people” like SlaveK), industry and infrastructure….surely Stalingrad was more important than some sh.ithole like Ukraine?

My goodness Slave….where do you come up with such stupidity? Usually even the dumbest dipshits accidentally stumble upon the occasional accurate statement but not you little buddy, you have a perfect track record of being wrong.

Russia is worried about public opinion….😂😂😂😂
They do not have to worry about what [bleep] like you think, but what population of Ukraine thinks matters especially in Russian occupied zone.