My son's wrestling coach is a pretty down to earth guy that has been through a number of scrapes in his life and not one to be messed with.

His son was a really good wrestler but after his sophomore year decided he had had enough wrestling. Sometime maybe his senior year some of the kids on the team decided to push Kelly to get him to come back and join the team. They did this by 3 of them catching him in the restroom taking a leak. A couple of the guys got on either side and 1 of them pissed on his leg. Well, things went sideways then. Kelly beat the snot out of them.

Dad/coach gets called into the office where the principal proceeds to threaten that if Kelly ever does something like this again he is out of school. This was after telly the dad/coach that what Kelly did, defending himself, was absolutely verboten. Coach hit the principal's desk and told him straight up, if anything happens to Kelly, then Coach/dad would come and kick the principal's ass because if he wouldn't allow Kelly to defend himself, then it was principal's job to protect Kelly.

I knew of the kids that got the beating and the coach that put them up to it. Although I didn't get to witness the whooping, it was really heartwarming when I heard the story from many different sources.

Montana MOFO