Good afternoon my friend, I hope you're all getting decent weather up there and you're all well.

We're finally cooling off a wee bit at night, but it's still warm in the daytime.

A longtime friend and hunting partner got one of 2 ram tags up behind our place. We've been pounding it flat since the last week of August - enough that a couple of us will be getting a Christmas card from the local Esso I'm thinking. Anyways he got one on Saturday and we had to hustle to get it off the mountain in the heat.

Regarding your thread and the question it posed, I believe I've told this one before, but in the event there's new folks or even old ones such as myself who forget...

In the fall of '80, one of the more "lively" places to water in Calgary was the Town and Country Motor Hotel in Forest Lawn. The motorcycle enthusiasts from there used to go down to Bowness and shoot the resident motorcycle enthusiasts from that part of town and the Bowness chaps would of course reciprocate. It was no doubt franchising issues in the pharmaceutical distribution trade.

We'd made it a practice to always imbibe near an exit in the T&C because that was just the wise thing to do.

Similarly, when one needed to drain excess liquid, wise patrons would always use the furthest urinal from the door - there were about a dozen as I recall.

They had there in that fine, fine establishment, two bouncers. Before I describe them, we need to clarify that this was the height of the Urban Cowboy craze, so the uniform was black dress slacks, white long sleeved shirts with black bow ties, black arm bands and a black western vest......

One of the bouncers looked a lot like the youngsters from just east of us in a couple Manitoba communities, that is to say if I was guessing, he was of partial Metis extraction and maybe 5'10" but had to be 275lb. He had no neck to speak of - like some of those boys don't. The uniform made him look, if anything even bigger, so nobody seemed to be inclined to play any contact sports with him.

Wise decision I'd wager.

The other fellow was a wee bit taller but 100lbs lighter at least. He had a neatly trimmed beard and a fairly puffy afro hairdo which was also a thing. When we saw him, he was immediately dubbed "Gorgeous George" because, well you know 673... because.

It was a mystery to us as to how Gorgeous got the job because he looked more like a florist or interior designer sort.

One night there was a fairly large rig worker type in there making a bit of a nuisance of himself and he happened to need to drain beer at the same time I did.

I took up my usual position at the far end of the washroom, then in came large obnoxious rig worker and close behind him there's Gorgeous.

He says to the rigger - who was much, much taller and heavier - "If you have your jacket with you sir, it's time you have to go" and so help me Gorgeous sounds like he's taking orders for a dozen long stemmed roses when he says it.

Rig worker replies something short and to the point, then swings hard at Gorgeous.

Gorgeous bobs his neatly combed afro out of the way and then proceeds to work this guy's head like a speed bag!

I had witnessed a few fights in my prairie youth, but had never seen what I now know is a decent boxer really go to town.

He had to have hit buddy 5 or 6 times but it might have been more. It was pure poetry to watch truly.

Then as buddy is sagging down, Gorgeous grabs the guy under both armpits, eases him down and says in his sweet florist voice, "If you have your jacket with you sir, it's time you have to go" laugh laugh laugh

The other bulkier bouncer showed up and they helped Mr. Speedbag Face to his feet and away they went.

That was - thankfully - the most eventful trip to the john I've ever had 673 and it's been a story I love to tell as well.

One just never knows what the other fellow knows, you know? wink

All the best and good luck on your hunts.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"