One of my more awkward meet-ups...
While I was TDY to Torrejón AFB I met a WAF who was from Northern Michigan, also an assistant crewchief on a 135 out of Plattsburgh. We hung around together some touring Madrid and partying at the NCO club. Fast forward about fourteen months I had gotten married and PCSed to Mildenhall. Wife and I went into the base post office one day to check our mailbox, there was a card in the box indicating that we recieved a package. So my wife says she will go get it. I was waiting by the mailbox when my ole friend from Spain comes around a different corner, walks up to me and gives me a big hug and a kiss. We were still in an embrace when my very pregnant wife came back around the other corner catching us hugging. Kathy had crosstrained into being a dental assistant and just got assigned to Moldyhole... 😳 😁

It wouldn't have been bad except one of my "friends" told my wife about a couple of rumors that were spread around from the Torrejón trip. 🤬