One of the cool fringe benefits of being a lowly "booth boy" as our beloved, resident, mouth likes to call me, is the people OUTSIDE the industry you come in contact with. Over the years when I was "booth boy-ing"............ I got to meet Jeff Foxworthy. Other than being a gazillionaire, he's about as normal a country hick as me or anyone else you know. I got to meet Charlton Heston. Even in his later years, when he was becoming fragile, he had a presence about him that TOTALLY AWED ME !!!! And I ain't easily impressed. Got to meet Uncle Ted Nugent a couple times. Hung out with him at his hotel for an hour or two the one time. Ted the man and Ted the stage persona are two ENTIRELY different people. He is the fastest mind you will EVER have a conversation with. He's actually called my older daughter on the phone and had a fairly lengthy conversation with her. AND............ I got to have lunch with the late 4-star General Norman Schwarzkopf. A total honor !!!

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.