IL doesn't allow "00" Buck for deer, so I've never used it for that.

One of the reasons there's so many different things out there, is so that you can get/use just about whatever you'd like. Make it whatever you'd like, can afford, whatever. People that constantly say "I would never get that" or "I can't believe anyone would use/buy that" or "I don't use it so it must not be necessary" or even "you're stupid for using/buying that" are merely expressing their opinion in a place where NOGAF about their opinion! Seams being an A-Hole is in vogue now from the safety of their home sitting in front of a keyboard, as I am right now! Lol! I'm sure there's stuff that these people buy/use that I would think the same thing about and never give a second look. Difference is, I don't post my opinion about it in their thread/post.

I purchased this thing because it intrigued me, was, in my opinion, cheap enough (with what stuff costs nowadays) and it will be a nice addition to turkey hunting for a youth who otherwise wouldn't have something to use in the turkey woods.

It isn't what happens to you that defines you, it's what you DO about what happens to you that defines you!

NRA life member

Illinois State Rifle Association member