Bullets,bullets and bullets are what matter. Hint.

It is easy to scoot .838 BC's at nice velocities in .284" bore sizing,with 190grs of mass. To surpass same in .308 or .338,etc,simply means more recoil,even if you could arrange to exceed it's performance,in that far less handy parcel. Hint.

If/when talking true Utility Rifles and felt recoil to performance ratios,the .284" bore size has long stood alone and by goodly margins. None of that has changed,as of Today and my first cup of coffee this morning. I can't speak to what tomorrow will bring,but rather like the "odds",that the .284" is gonna be the cream of the crop. It's never not advanced,at the head of the pack. Hint.

It would defy Physics,to launch .338" 285 ELD's and their .829 BC at like speeds,at like case capacity,as 7mm 180's. But alas...that simply ain't in the cards,nor close. Reality,is a handy place to reside...much to the chagrin of Texans the World over. Hint.

Just sayin'..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."