Originally Posted by aboltfan

By economy rifle I do mean cheap money. While I know that can be relative to a person's income, I think we all know that over the last 5-10 years, a 3-400 hundred dollar bolt rifle fits this category. While I don't have any desire to have a safe full of this kind of rifle, having a couple of them to use is not a bad thing.

I bought that Marlin XL7 for $279. To me, that's a hell of a deal. I bought and gave my brother 3 Ruger Americans. The most I paid for one was $284 for a stainless .243 Win.

There have been a lot of post here with good examples. With today's economy I think a rifle in the 4-500 dollar range probably falls in to the economy rifle bracket.

I’ve got to say the Ruger American series are great rifles. Reliable and more accurate than they should be for the price. I own two ranch rifles and I’m impressed.