Saturday went to Yellow Creek PHA.
Didn't see squat nor hear the typical amount of firefight gunfire on opening day.
Which has been the same for gunfire the past 4 days.
Very little from the norm..
I think corn prices for illegal baiting have alot to do with it...

Sunday I hunt this southern hardwood bottom flat I'm sitting on right now on the COE land.
About 930 I get up to head north about 900 yds still hunting to a cedar knoll and oak boundary area.
And off the boundary are AG fields.
I run into this dead spike 200 250 yds from my stand.
Spent like 15 20 mins CSI back the blood trial.
Find hair and initial exit wound blood splatter and tore up ground.
Scumball whoever had to see the spike go down in those open hardwoods 45 55 yds away from where he shot it...
I just keep moving.
Nothing I can do about a dead spike some dikhead seen bone from....

I get about 75 80 yds away from the knoll slope.
Big Ole brown rack buck hauling azz after a doe.

Fuuuk me..
I would have been on that ground if that dikhead hadn't shot that spike and the time I wasted.

Known spot to sit for me.
Place is tore up with buck sign and converging trails.

I sit for about an hour.
Mr brown rack is chasing the doe on the field about 250 yds out into another wood.
Trim a couple of low impact shooting lanes.
Mark my stand tree with a glow tack , place where I can see north and south slopes of the knoll and leave at 1pm.

Go back into knoll yesterday morning.
About 7am
Mr brown rack is chasing a doe again.
About 200 yds out in the field off the COE boundary.
Still ain't got but brief looks at this buck.
But have seen tines and size to his beams.

Coming from the east
Does a big loop to west of me into connecting woodline that feeds to me or away from me.

Maybe maybe maybe that jezebel slickhead will lead him thru here.
About 45 mins later a doe comes in about 25 30yds out.
It's game on
Watching her back trial and her.

See a obscured back line coming thru brush and behind blow downs about 40 ydsout
Get the rifle up in a shooting lane it will cross.
Your dead like fried chicken dude....

Her fawn.....
Fuuuk me....

They hung around for 2 or 3mins about 25 30 ydsout.
Still keeping an eye on the back trial.
It's november you never fuuuuking know what might go down.

Doe is sensing something ain't right.
Staring at my partial outline.
I blink my eyes.
She hauls azz blowing like a maniac 6 7 22 times.
Educated slickhead ....
Fawn hauls azz...

Sit for another hour.
about 11am move back to sunday spot still hunting.
Get about 75 yds from the dead spike and push another buck with a blonde rack and doe probably 10 yds on other side of dead spike.
They haul azz towards my hardwoods bottom stand and I know they are heading off the southern boundary.

Sit down for an hour right where I am at now.

Walk back to truck.....

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