I have a Medicare advantage plan through United Health Care. Best and easiest insurance I’ve ever had. Medicare itself doesn’t pay my bills, they pay UHC to cover me, along with my former employer. Most I’ve paid for anything was $35 for a whole battery of tests when I had a “spell” a few years ago. EKG, CAT scan, stress test, and IIRC, a chest x-ray. Out of pocket limit is about $1k IIRC, and I’ve never come anywhere near that. I did pay for a non-covered calcium heart scan last year to get my MD off my back about my cholesterol. That was $100. $10 co-pays, $15 for specialists. Includes gym membership (fat chance), home visits by a nurse, and a certain number of hours per month for transportation to care, or other needs in my home.

I only pay for my Part B, the rest is covered as a retirement benefit.

What fresh Hell is this?