Originally Posted by Clarkm
If half the people do not have enough money saved for an unexpected medical expense, you are going to get socialized medicine.

Now you are in a government program.

Characteristics of gov programs; complicated, inefficient, and misery to users.

To make it more competitive, they have different insurance companies get involved.

But it is still a gov program.
Clark good reasoning. Let's drill a little deeper here, why can't people pay even pay for the simplest urgent care items? How did simple things become so prohibitively expensive? My grandson had a simple greenstick arm fracture last month...bill 2,740 bucks. An uninsured normal birth is around 13,000 bucks. That is just the birth, no pre or post natal care. Maybe it is simplistic to think this way...but I think it is because of tort law. If Doctor or hospital makes any mistake, skips any test, misdiagnoses any problem...here come the lawyers...ka-ching and juries (us) play right along. So Doctors, in an abundance of caution have to check every single box, every possible precaution must be taken and documented. So lawyers and insurance companies are calling the shots, with very predictable results. And also here in the state of fruits and nuts, there are signs everywhere ..."Atencion Medica Gratis"...we are all paying their bills, so their employers don't have to.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.