Relax. Just a misunderstanding, I apologize Swifty, in no way did I intend to assign you personally the role of Mr Shortcut ...strictly intended as a generic term to the seemingly endless fellows who want to buy bulk bullets and expect top notch results. Cast Boolits web answer men are especially besieged with requests, why didn't X, Y or Z work in my gun? And then the cadre of guys that know why, try to explain, slugging and pound casting the throat? Hardness, pressure, lubes etc....Crickets, the man asking the original question doesn't want to dig that deep...and that's great, jobs, family, everything demanding precious time, not everybody wants to delve deep into the hobby. They just want to shoot with ammo that realizes the potential of their gun. I probably am a prick, judging by my fan mail, but I am honest to a fault, and if I had intended insult to you, there would have been no doubt who exactly I was addressing.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.