Originally Posted by 270jrk
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
But, if he got 20 million votes, it would destroy any chance of another Republican winning the national election.

After what most of the Republican politicians did to wreck Trumps momentum of making America great again, not sure they deserve to be “in charge”.

And what’s the worst that’ll happen, we’ll get a complete piece of [bleep] democrat as president? That threat is getting really weak.

If the bulk of Americans weren’t ready to really make America great again, then maybe we deserve the tired old corruption we’ve allowed for so many decades. I’d like to think not, but it’s apparent even here on the fire.

I don’t have any answers, I’m frustrated at and disappointed in so many people.

Spot on!
So many here agree with any and everything with an (R) next to it, they are no better than the democrats. Both parties are on the same team, at least the vast majority are anyway. So supporting someone based on a political association is retarded no matter what side you're on. Until we add a nation can see that we're screwed

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Calm seas don't make sailors.