Here’s an interesting list of companies that turned to ‘Woke’ policies after being threatened by the Liberal masses on social media and through emailing campaigns started by a small grassroots collective of woman, who were pissed off that Trump got elected President.

Many of these companies, as you know, came out of nowhere one day and said they were changing their policies that basically made Conservatives like us, feel singled out as bad actors for buying a firearm using a credit card - as just an example.

These Liberal tactics above have worked against us, that’s why I believe these same tactics will work for all of us.

If we come together as 63k Fire members and spend 10 minutes emailing the Oregon Companies and demand they spend some of their cash to fight 114 in court or lose our business. I feel they will be obligated to help, or lose millions in our sales.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”