Originally Posted by rainshot
I think she has a good chance of success if she is able to get an honest judge. Our judicial system has been corrupted by democrats and republicans to the point it cannot be counted on to be honest and follow the constitution.

If she wins her first try it will be appealed until she's lost it.

Jag, As to the crowds at Trump rallies, they're the same 25% of all voters that rallied in 2016 and 2020. They're loyal, and for good reason. Trump did what he could to save the nation, but they are 25%.

The CFR and Rothschilds were complacent in 2016, but never again.

NOTICE who the author of this is. shocked


Last edited by windridge; 11/26/22.

TV has become nothing more than the Petri dish where this country grows its idiots.