Children are ignorant and naive when they start school. They certainly aren't stupid.

The formative years are critical to the leftist agenda. The groomers in government and the schools know this. This is why there is the big push to enroll toddlers into government sponsored early learning programs.

Shame on the parents who aren't paying attention to curriculum and only look at the "free daycare" aspect. This isn't just for toddlers, but for all kids from prekindergarten all the way through college. It's not coincidence the left wants to pay for college to complete the indoctrination program started a couple of decades earlier.

The culprits are the groomers and the the government. I don't have children, but still bear some responsibility because I wasn't vigilant enough too.

It's in my selfish interests to have well educated and functioning adults. My taxes were wasted on their education, and I'm still paying to support them as adults.

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10