Originally Posted by Fireball2
I don't get why all the focus is on magazine size. Jeezus, we can't even buy a gun we got bigger problems than magazine size.

For one, you lawyers can clarify, but doesn't Oregon law say the state has to pay for edicts passed down to the local municipalities? And this edict has no funding. End of discussion.

Or am I wrong?
I believe you are dead right...when they instituted the Oregon Instant (har dee har) Background check a few years back, it required local law enforcement to enforce same. Klamath Co Sheriff, among others, sent Queen Kate or Kitzhaber a registered letter...basically stating "show me the money". He quoted, chapter and verse, apparently there is a long standing law in Oregon that requires the state to reimburse local agencies for executing state laws or rules over and above their normal specified duties. Reply from Salem...crickets.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.