I'll be 70 in a bit less than a month. All my life I've had little patience with idiots, and Jesus, it's getting worse the older I get. I can't watch the news without wanting to throw a beer bottle through the TV.

Still getting around ok, the new hip a few years ago helped a lot, cutting a chunk cut out of my gut allowed me to resume eating any old crap I wanted to and the new lens in the eye a couple months ago lets me see that crap. Bad habits in my youth screwed me up (note to self, if you get a do-over DO NOT run cross-country, marathons, and 5 miles every day because you will pay out the ass for it 40 years later when your hip and knee joints start crapping out).

I'm past the age all my forebears made it to, which is my personal bellweather. My ability to get in and out of low slung British sportscars is another one - when that ability goes away, I'm outta here.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty