Originally Posted by noKnees
Originally Posted by Barkoff
I have to be honest with you, as someone with bipolar in the family, it would scare the hell out of me to not have any recourse in disarming somebody having a manic episode.

You’d need to live with full blown mania to understand the precarious situation a firearm in the mix would have.

So let me put it to you folks, should there be recourse to disarm somebody in mental distress? What should the criteria be for disarming somebody who is hearing voices?

I think the person should get to defend themselves against the order, the presumption should not be that the person in the submission is incompetent to have a firearm. The burden of proof should be on the person or state submitting the order.

Its wrong that in many places the first a person learns of a red flag order is a knock on the door at 4am

Exactly. Yes, there should be a process and it needs to be rapid and it needs to be accountable and responsive to the defendant as well. The current systems are rife for abuse and not accountable to anyone.

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