Originally Posted by Barkoff
I have to be honest with you, as someone with bipolar in the family, it would scare the hell out of me to not have any recourse in disarming somebody having a manic episode.

You’d need to live with full blown mania to understand the precarious situation a firearm in the mix would have.

So let me put it to you folks, should there be recourse to disarm somebody in mental distress? What should the criteria be for disarming somebody who is hearing voices?
If they have been adjudicated mentally deficient by a court of law, they can legally told they cannot have a firearm. Just like any felon released from prison, that works doesn't it.

To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.-Richard Henry Lee

Endowment Member NRA, Life Member SAF-GOA, Life-Board Member, West TN Director TFA