And we’re back…

Sometimes posts and threads just don’t go the way the OP hoped it would.

* The award for the Fire Member who is Most Misunderstood *

And the winner is

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Congratulations, Ballz 🍾🎈🎊

This award was interesting to figure out which way to go. The management decided after looking over the past years history of a member who consistently made posts or threads for no other purpose than to just make posts and threads, and was actually just ‘Trolling’ members with benign, going nowhere information. Would be considered as a troll.

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* The award for Best Trolling on the Fire *

And the winner is Wabigoon. Congratulations, Richard. This is your 2nd win today. 🍾🎈

Let’s take a brief moment to stretch while giving out huge shout out to a member who seeks no personal recognition for himself for the daily educational content he provides all of us. He’s a comedian, a fighter, a teacher, and giant cock sucker.

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Let’s stand up and give a big ‘golf clap’ for Deflave!

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And we’ll be right back….Piss break 🦫

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”