IMO if an accuser can be proven to be lying,
they should face penalties as harsh as what
a proven criminal would face

I've known a couple of men accused of
sexual assault that were proven to be
falsely accused. One was my old boss
that was arrested and charged with rape.
Turns out the woman had got caught by
her husband and had to lie to keep her
gravy train intact. Still didn't help my
boss any after proven innocent. He lost
his career, his friends, his savings, his
retirement funds, everything.
Woman just got the boot from her
husband and went on with her life.
Known a couple that were falsely accused
of fathering children. One still got saddled
with 2 decades of child support deducted
from his paycheck even after he was cleared.
The other was lucky that in pre-DNA days
the woman suffered a guilty conscience