OK - I got all smarty -ass and deleted the original, and cleaned it up here. "Need" is subjective, of course, to person, game, location, conditions, season. I'm assuming this is a "day-hunt", in and out, on foot. I like getting "back in", all day, so if the hunt is a tree stand 100 yards from the car, adjust accordingly. Tree-stand safety equip as mentioned above.

This is a mental exercise for me, not having hunted in the conditions/location described, and will definately be less than my current "needs" list for a day-long caribou hunt. Which now includes one or more ATV's. I haven't had to put my meat packing back-pack on since, in several years. smile

For the conditions as I understand them, this is what I would carry initially, based on 60 years of hunting varied locations: Again, for the way I would hunt.

Sighted in rifle and ammo, knife, license/tag, compass are mandatory. As is safety clothing required by regs. "Camo" is not necessary.

The rest one might consider not absolutely essential, but "highly advised"!

fanny or day pack for carrying "stuff" - tho pockets will work if minimalist.
marking tape for trailing/finding/marking the deer, regulations read, even carried.
a scope on the rifle and binoculars (buy good and once, if possible!). Binocs are at least as handy in the woods as in open country. DO NOT use the scope to glass!!!!
2nd compass, possibly a map - both are cheap and light (GPS and/or other comms can wait)
25- 50' of parachute cord ( heavier if to be used as a pull-rope)
fire starter( ignition source, & maybe 1 or two fire sticks)
Snacks- if even just some nuts and a candy bar
Water as needed, if needed (stuff is heavy!) Winter conditions can sneakily dehydrate - be advised,
Pain+ ointment, a few aspirin, a few bandaids, some "vet wrap".
Clothing/footwear appropriate to conditions
A "Space blanket" will keep rain/snow off, but ain't worth spit for body temp, in my 2X experience. Still worth carrying. It won't keep you warm, but it might keep you alive if things go south. Takes almost no space and weight.
Bug dope or head net as needed, or not.
Hearing protection, if that's your thing- it isn't mine when hunting.

Zip lock bags as required for compartmentalization, moisture of above items.

Do not forget to leave WRITTEN plans, location, etc. of your hunt, and stick to them.

Chit happens.

Last edited by las; 01/29/23.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.