I’ve been giving this thread some thought and thinking back to my own 12 year old first outings, my feet got cold in my shoes and galoshes. Everything else I could borrow. Who amongst us doesn’t have way more hunting stuff than we can ever use? Dad reasoned that since my feet were still growing that buying new boots would be a waste of money.
I’ve spent a lot of time looking for the newbies in camp that didn’t know the area, so a good understanding of the area and very good boots would be what I’d recommend. I’d loan them anything else and my #2, 3 or 4 backup rifle that would be better than anything that a new hunter would buy for themselves. Saddling a new hunter with lots of up front cost could be enough to put them off the hunting before they even get started.

My other auto is a .45

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory