Originally Posted by Big Sky
I agree gunchamp. Aside from it's capabilities the fact that only two people have replied is even more terrifying. It's right here on our doorstep and people don't even know it's there. I'm not a doomsday type of person. I ignore 99% of all the end of the USA and end of the world threads on this site. However, this stuff is real and is expanding at such a rapid rate even it's creators can't keep up and are at a loss as to what to do in regards to the danger it presents.
I promise you the far majortiy of the worlds population has no idea what this actually is and what it will be able to do in the future as it gains more knowledge. AI has stated in the past that mankind is bad for the earth and to save the earth, mankind should be eliminated. So lets build something that learns and becomes smarter than any human could possibly ever dream to be. Enough people think this is cool tech. So we integrate it into every day things. It gains control and we cant stop it. Not sciemce fiction fellas. Its real and its here