My first name is Reon. It was a gift from my paternal grandmother.
Mom had picked out “Jody” for a boy, but The Old Man sided with grandma.
She said that I was named for her favorite school teacher, Reon Taylor when she was young.
Dad said that Reon was an old boyfriend! grin Who knows, but I like it. It sure beats the heck outta Jody!
A few years ago, I was contacted by a lady from California, named Reon Monson, wanting to know the background on my name.
I wrote back and told her the story told here.
She wrote me back that she had researched the name, finding 15 others sharing this name.
Nine male, 8 female. That sorta surprised me. Hell I considered it a masculine name, but I guess sorta like Dale and a few other shared first names, so who knows?
My younger brother’s name is Gue. I was learning to talk when he was born, named Lyle Drew, I said Lyle Gue.
Dad and my older brother picked it up, and so did everybody else!
Mom is the only person in the world who called him Lyle Drew!
His wife calls him Gue, his paycheck is payable to Gue Oldham!

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden