Top of the morning to you sir, I hope that this first Sunday in the 3rd month - already!! eek - finds you well.

In the past few years I found myself looking for John's articles as well as Terry Wieland's stuff first.

There's nothing wrong with the other writers truly, but like art I suppose, I just prefer how some writers stories get told, you know?

In that vein but off on a bit of an artery of hunting stories, not technical rifle stuff like the excellent Gun Gack series, if you or anyone has a chance to pick up John's "Born to Hunt" which is still available at their site, it's a collection of very well told hunting stories.

The earlier hunting story book "The Life of the Hunt" doesn't seem to be there anymore, but is available from abebooks.

Our reloading component situation is such a gong show up on this side of the medicine line that I've given up on Handloader magazine as well since anything new and interesting is flat out unobtanium or close to it. Thus I'm sticking to tried and true handloading recipes as much as possible and a bunch of us are trading components amongst ourselves to keep going.

Anyways sir, that's more or less where I'm at as well it seems with some of the written word these days.

All the best to you all this weekend regardless.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"