I've been using one regularly for several years. I've never used batteries, only a power pack (or whatever they are called). You get about twelve hours of use with a fully charged power pack. I've never had trouble "sighting" the unit, but some buy gadgetry that does the same thing. I did buy a base that I think works better than the one that comes with the unit. I've never had a need for a tripod, but some use them. I also bought the handy zippered soft case from LabRadar, but a laptop case of the right size would probably work as well.

Occasionally, I'll get no reading but a slight repositioning of the unit or gun barrel will correct this. I used to use a chronograph a lot and I've had six chronographs over the last forty+years, including the Oehler 35P. All of them have had slight quirks that you become accustomed to and and can work around. I haven't tried to chronograph bullets smaller than .22 on the LabRadar and I shoot no loads with velocities over about 3,700 fps, so I can't comment on those alleged drawbacks.

I don't have a strong background in computers or anything high tech. The LabRadar manual is written for smarter people than I am.

Last edited by lotech; 03/20/23.