It's pretty thick here, but it's nothing like actually being directly down wind from a fire like what you guys out West have to go through. You've got to realize that we never have to go through this, so yes, the environmentalists are going to push their agenda and the world is coming to an end. There's one thing that's nice about it though, other than the smoke, we're having some really nice weather here. Low humidity, lows around 50*, and high temps in the upper 70's. It doesn't look like there's a cloud in the sky, but you really can't tell for sure because of the smoke.

One of the weather guys on a local station here, came out and said that it isn't just climate change, but it's Human Induced Climate Change.

I've got a question for you Canadians. What da hell y'all burnin up there anyway? It smells like burnt plastic or an electrical fire. grin

Last edited by StoneCutter; 06/08/23.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan