Before you all jump on the this is bad bandwagon read the bill in question please, it acctually helps people who have been or may be put on the no gun list in error because of old info. The way the insatnt check system was once you were on it you could never get off. It also addresses the problem of people with mental illnesses not being on it because of medical privacy issues. Just because a vet, or any one else was treated at somtime for PTSD or any other problem is not going to instantly put them on the no gun list and even if they get there by mistake there is a procedure for getting off. So lest not all fly off the handle and go lynching the NRA

Declaration of Independance, in ENGLISH
U.S. Constitution, in ENGLISH
U.S. Bill of Rights, in ENGLISH
If you cannot or don't want to learn ENGLISH, go back to the third world cesspool you came from