Originally Posted by Orion2000
First inclination to look at the mini-trucks was price. Around here, new side by sides are starting at $9K-$10K depending on brand and retailer. Can get a clean mini truck with 4x4, a cab, and heat, possibly A/C and dump bed for starting price of a new side by side. Have also been looking at older Jeep CJ's as an option. However, they all seem to be "project" vehicles. Looking for "turn key". Thanks for the input regarding insuring RHD. I will need to check with my KY FB rep. THAT could be a deal breaker. Very few LHD mini trucks. One of the pluses for a mini truck is that it should be street-able. If insurance is a no-go, that goes out the window...

Curious, for the folks who have had multiple side by sides, UTV's... Most comfortable? Easiest riding? Dealing with my first "back experience". Do not want a rock sled.

Apparently the conversation to LHD is not difficult, if you’re handy that way. This guy did his own and even the consoles are designed to accomodate moving the instrument cluster.